“I was fortunate to have so many supportive people through my reunification process. The biggest lesson I learned: Never be closed off that you can use help. There are always things you can improve about yourself, your situation and relationships, so don’t be afraid to use the resources offered and lean on people who are there to support your success.” - Briana H., Parents for Parents Coordinator
CHSW in the news: The Olympian: State now will prioritize keeping children with relatives when both parents lose custody
A Washington state family’s journey to reunification, with the help of Parents for Parents
“The kids were removed on a Friday and we were told they’d be home Monday,” Jamie recounted. “We didn’t see them again for nine weeks.” At a crossroads, Chris and Jamie were pushed to seek the help they so desperately knew they needed, fueled by the powerful motivation of getting their children back home with them in a safe, stable environment.
National family impact program manager joins Children’s Home Society of Washington to expand reach of Parents for Parents program
As I struggled through my own child welfare system involvement, I had mentors and advocates that supported me along the way. This amazing network of people afforded me with resources and increasing self-efficacy to begin my journey of growth. When I realized how paramount their support was to my success, the gap between me and my purpose melted away. I wanted to emulate their behavior and professional accomplishments, helping families find their voice and speak their truth.